Electric Energy & Renewables | Abeledo Gottheil


Electric Energy & Renewables

Abeledo Gottheil has vast experience in the advice to investors and companies of the generation, transportation and distribution of electric energy sector and its related activities, including drafting and negotiation of contracts, assistance on the acquisition of electric power plants, bids of utilities, contracts for the expansion of transmission lines, international projects related to the exportation of energy, etc.

The Firm gives advice to its clients on regulatory matters of the electric energy & renewables activity; easements; use of land; governmental authorizations; promotion regimes to finance renewable energies regimes and development of projects; financing of projects related to these areas; legal advice for electric energy generation projects; matters related to the Wholesale Electric Market (WEM), registration and admission, environmental studies and authorizations, by pass of distributor transmission lines, transactions term contract transactions, EPC agreements and turnkey agreements; rate issues; as well as litigations and arbitrations of the sector.

The members of our team have taken specialization courses on the issue and LLM abroad, and in addition they are recognized as experts by the international publications Chambers and Partners, Best Lawyers, Latin Lawyer 250 (Energy – 2019); LACCA Approved, among others.

Relevant experience

  • Legal advice to Toyota in the agreement for the supply of wind energy executed with YPF Luz.
  • Legal advice to INFA (Aluar Group) in the contractual conflict that rose with ONUAR (Combustibles Nucleares Argentinos) for the provision of parts for nuclear equipment.
  • Permanent legal advice to EDESUR in claims of home users for failures in the electric energy distribution according to a concession contract.
  • Legal advice to NASA (Nucleoeléctrica Argentina) for the construction of a nuclear power plant by a foreign supplier, partially using Canadian technology supplied by CANDU.
  • Legal advice to Toyota Argentina on schemes and contracts with carriers and distributors for the extension of the connection of the campaign installations with the rest of the interconnected system.
  • Advice to a Spanish manufacturer of engines for the manufacturing and installation of electric generation equipment.
  • Legal advice to CRAMFSA on the operation of the plant feeding installations and contract for the supply of the fluid.
  • Legal advice to agricultural and livestock real estate company, for the extension of electric lines in the streets (16 km), with the purpose of changing the power supply of production establishments, of gas oil to electricity.
  • Legal advice to agricultural producer, for the lease of a real estate in the Eastern Republic of Uruguay to install wind measuring towers and subsequent wind farm.
  • Legal advice for the preparation of the offer in the bid awarded for 90% of the shares of a provincial company of electric energy distribution.
  • Advice to Asociación de Productores de Energía Eléctrica (Association of Electric Energy Producers) on regulatory, contractual and corporate issues.
  • Advice to several companies on bids of the electricity state-owned company with respect to the distribution of electric energy in the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires.
  • Advice and representation of Black and Veatch International in the judicial process held with SADE Skanska, for credits and debits, loans for consumption, derived from Joint Ventures for the building of electric power plants under EPC contracts in turnkey conditions.
  • Legal advice to TotalFinaElf, during the claim to the Argentine National Government vis à vis the Arbitral Tribunal of the ICSID, for damages caused by the unfair and inequitable treatment to investments in controlled companies, Central Puerto and Piedra del Águila thermal power and hydraulic energy generating plant, respectively, in the light of the Foreign Investments Protection Treaty executed with France.
  • Advice to Shell CAPSA for possible conversion of Dock Sud refinery in a self-generator or co-generator of electric energy plant.
  • Advice to Transalta regarding the sale of its shareholding in the electric power plant of Piedra del Aguila, including the preparation of the relevant presentation to the Antitrust National Commission for its approval, successfully obtained.
  • Due diligence and advice for the acquisition of electric power plant Ave Fénix and assistance for the same client for the construction of another combined-cycle generator.
  • Legal assistance and due diligence for Electricite de France on the potential acquisition of the majority shareholding in a provincial electric power distribution system within the Argentine Mesopotamia.
  • Legal advice to Termoandes (a subsidiary of Chilgener) regarding a electric power exportation project to Chile and review of procedures to obtain the relevant exportation permits corresponding to transnational transmission lines.
  • Legal advisors of Black & Veatch International regarding the negotiation and execution of an EPC contract, for the conversion to combined-cycle, of an Electric Power Plant of 700 MW in Neuquén, Argentina with Capex S.A. and in several other projects related to EPC Contracts for combined-cycle electric power plants.
  • Legal advice to Empresa Eléctrica EMEC S.A. and Chilgener S.A. for the preparation of tender in the bid awarded for 90% of the shares of Empresa de Electricidad Sanjuanina S.A. (EDESSA).
  • Legal advice to Central Dock Sud, an electric power generation plant, in all the regulatory, environmental, gas supply contract aspects, etc.) up to its transfer to other investors.
  • Legal advice to Ansaldo Argentina S.A. and Ansaldo S.P.A. on legal aspects of financing structures for the supply of turbines –including the supply of 10 turbines and generators for the Yacyretá project, a hydroelectric power plant on the Paraná River, pursuant to the corresponding international bidding; the Costanera Generator Plant revamping and other equipment for electric power generation. Other projects, before such date, as well.
  • Legal advice to NRG Energy Inc. on the bid of Planta Generadora de San Nicolás.
  • Legal advice to Utilicorp United Inc. with respect to the international public bid for the privatization of SEGBA with respect to the distribution of electric power in the City of Buenos Aires and Greater Buenos Aires.

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Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, 5th floor | C1106ACX

Buenos Aires | Argentina

(5411) 4516-1500

