Hernán Martín Oriolo

Born in Buenos Aires, on December 22, 1966.
Lawyer 1993. Postgraduate Studies: Training for Young Lawyers Program, Escuela de Abogados de Buenos Aires, 1994; Premaster in Corporate Law, Universidad Austral, 1995; Southern Methodist University (Dallas, Texas, USA) LLM (International & Comparative), 2000.
Among his publications, the following stand out:
“The International Comparative Legal Guide to International Arbitration 2008, A practical insight to cross-border International Arbitration work”, published by Global Legal Group Arbitration Worldwide 2015, Argentine Chapter, published jointly with Luis A. Erize and Mariano H. Beica in Getting the Deal Through.
“Review of the ICC Arbitration Rules”, published on April 26, 2017 in Abogados.com.ar(https://abogados.com.ar/revision-al-reglamento-de-arbitraje-de-la-cci/197487)
“Initial considerations on a new judgment rendered by the Argentine Supreme Court on extent of the review of arbitration awards”, Published in the supplement of the Litigation Committee of the IBA (https://www.ibanet.org/LPD/Dispute_Resolution_Section/Litigation/Publications.aspx)
“Jurisdiction to decide issues on arbitrability. Recent case law of the Supreme Court of Justice of the United States of America”, published on July 05, 2019 Abogados.com.ar(https://abogados.com.ar/la-competencia-para-decidir-cuestiones-sobre-arbitrabilidad-recientejurisprudencia- de-la-corte-suprema-de-estados-unidos/23788)
“United Nations Convention on International Settlement Agreements Resulting from Mediation (the “Singapore Convention”)”, published on 26/11/2019 by Albrematica S.A. Printing House
“The most relevant duties of arbitrators in international arbitrations”, published on 05/05/2020 by elDial.com – Albrematica Printing House
“The chance to judicially question national awards rendered by amicable compounders. The appealability of decisions derived from said questioning -Comment to the award ¨Banco P. S.A. v. R., V. D. et alius, Annulment of deed/instrument¨, of the National Appellate Civil Court, Panel J, dated 02/01/2021”, published on 30/04/2021, by Supplement of Arbitration and ADR of elDial.com, Albrematica S.A. Printing House, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Analysis of modifications and news of the ICC Arbitration Rules 2021”, by Hernán Martín Oriolo and Federico Osvaldo Valiño, published on 04/30/2021, by Albrematica S.A. Printing House, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
“Five judgments rendered by the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation on voluntary arbitration after the effectiveness of the Civil and Commercial Code of the Nation”, published on 09/09/2021, by the Supplement of Arbitration and ADR of elDial.com, Albrematica S.A. Printing House, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Likewise, he has been recognized in this practice by different publications like Legal 500, Chambers & Partners and Latin Lawyer 250, and he was approved as National Expert by the Latin American Corporate Counsel Association referred to the arbitration issue uninterruptedly during years 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 202, 2022 y 2023. He has been recognized in arbitration matters by Who´s Who legal 2023 and by Global Law Experts 2023 Handbook in the resolution of disputes.
He has been put forward by the Permanent Court of Arbitration to act as president of an Arbitral Tribunal to resolve a controversy on energy. He is a member of the panel of arbitrators approved by the Mediation and Arbitration Business Center (Centro Empresarial de Mediación y Arbitraje).
He has cooperated also in the drafting of the Arbitration Rules of the National Appellate Court for the Resolution of Controversies of the Argentine Football Association.
He is a member of the Arbitration Commission of the Argentine ICC, of the International Bar Association, of the Arbitration Committee of the International Bar Association, of the Committee for the Resolution of Disputes of the International Bar Association, of the Bar Association of the City of Buenos Aires and of the Bar Association of the City of San Isidro.
Lecturer in activities developed by the Argentine division of the ICC and professor in the degree course of arbitration organized by the Argentine division of the ICC referred to the interpretation of its arbitration rules.
He is in charge of the team of Abeledo Gottheil Abogados that participates in the effort of the UNO to study corporate legislation.
He is a Director of the regional Supplement of Arbitration and ADR of El Dial.com, Albrematica S.A. Printing House, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Languages: Spanish and English.