Energy | Call for the Bid "TerCONF" to execute Electric Power Supply Agreements | Abeledo Gottheil

Energy | Call for the Bid “TerCONF” to execute Electric Power Supply Agreements

4 August 2023 |

As provided by the Secretariat of Energy in Resolution 621/2023, the National and International Open Call for the Bid “TerCONF” has been launched, to execute Contracts to Supply Thermal Generation Reliability with Compañía Administradora del Mercado Mayorista Eléctrico S.A. (“CAMMESA”), which will act on behalf of the Distributors and Large Users of the Wholesale Market of Electric Power (Mercado Eléctrico Mayorista -“MEM”-), up to its reassignment in the head of the Distributing Agents and/or Large Users of the MEM, pursuant to the Bidding Conditions approved by said resolution.

The tenders to be submitted may be of any generation or co-generation of electric power technology, including in the projects associated works of of transmission infrastructure and/or fuels, that allow to add reliable power, installing new equipment or with less than 15,000 hours of checked use.

The call is divided into the following two items:

– Item 1: “Thermal Generation for the reliability and supply of the SADI (Argentine System of Electric Interconnection)”, with a reference objective power between 2250MW and 3000 MW.

– Item 2: “Thermal Generation to replace, modernize and make more efficient Tierra del Fuego park”, with a reference objective power between 30 MW and 70 MW.

The Bidding Conditions and Exhibits to the Call approved by said resolution, provide for the purposes of each item, power levels to be contracted, reference prices for available power and generated power, technical and formal requirements to be complied with by tenders, valuation of impact in the improvement of reliability per nodes, of regions and power levels according to the characterization of connection nodes, among other issues .

The procedure of the call is in charge of CAMMESA, according to the following schedule:

– 07/14/2023: Publication of the “TerCONF Bidding Conditions”

– 07/14/2023: Period to consult the “TerCONF Bidding Conditions”

– 07/14/2023 up to 08/29/2023: Response by CAMMESA of the consultations to the “TerCONFBidding Conditions” and publication of information on the call

– 08/31/2023: Presentation of Tenders (Envelopes “A” and “B”) and Opening of Envelope “A”

– 08/31/2023 up to 09/14/2023: Evaluation of Envelope “A”

– 09/21/2023: Publication of qualification of tenders Envelope “A”

– 09/28/2023: Opening and evaluation of Envelope “B”

– 10/10/2023: Award of tenders

– 10/15/2023: Beginning of the period to execute the Supply Agreements

– 12/10/2023: End of the period to execute the Supply Agreements

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Buenos Aires | Argentina

(5411) 4516-1500
