Gabriela Inés Buratti

Born Buenos Aires, Argentina, November 19, 1964.
Education: Universidad de Buenos Aires, Law School (J.D.) 1989; Georgetown University, Law Center, Washington D.C., USA (LLM, 1999). Work Experience: Argentine Tax Court, Legal Clerk 1990-1993; Abeledo Gottheil Abogados, Associate, 1993-1994; Edesur S.A., in-house counsel on tax matters, 1994-1995; Argentine Internal Revenue Service, Head Counsel of the Deputy Direc-tor Gene-ral (1995-1996); Allende & Brea, Associate, 1996-2002. Hope, Duggan & Silva, Associate, 2002-2003. Academic Activity: Professor of Public Finance and Tax Law, Universidad de Buenos Aires, School of Law, 1992-1994; Professor of Tax Planning, Universidad Católica Argentina, Graduate Program, School of Law, 2000; Visiting Professor of Tax Law, Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina, LLM Program, School of Law. Publications: Derecho Tributario, Ámbito Financiero, La Información, Impuestos and El Derecho. Panelist representing Argentina at the International Tax Seminar organized by the American Bar Association, Foreign Lawyer Forum (Washington D.C., 1999). Memberships: Buenos Aires Bar Association, 1989, Argen-tine Fiscal Associ-ation, Full mem-ber since 1994.
Languages: Spanish, English, and French.