Supermarket Shelves law. Inclusion in extraordinary sessions | Abeledo Gottheil

Supermarket Shelves law. Inclusion in extraordinary sessions

By means of Decree 111/2020, published in the Official Gazette on 29/1/20, the Executive Power included in the agenda to be dealt with by the Congress during the current period of Extraordinary Sessions the project of “Law for the Promotion of Competition in the Food Value Chain”, known as the “Gondola Law”, sanctioned by the Chamber of Deputies on 20/11/19.

The declared objectives of this bill are: to contribute to making the price of food, beverages, personal hygiene and household cleaning products transparent and competitive, to avoid practices that cause distortions in the market and to promote the supply of artisanal, regional, family, peasant, indigenous and popular agriculture products and those of cooperatives and mutual associations.

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