Administrative decision 591/2020. Emergency assistance programme. Regulation
21 July 2020 | Labor Law
COVID-19 as an occupational disease for essential workers. Special treatment for health workers
21 July 2020 | Labor Law
Resolution MTEySS 279/20. Repeal of Resolution 219/20. Essential change in the March credit settlement. Withdrawal of benefits
21 July 2020 | Labor Law
Resolution mteyss 279/20. Repeal of Resolution 219/20 Essential change in the March credit settlement. Withdrawal of benefits
21 July 2020 | Labor Law
DNU 297/20 and Ministry of Labour Resolution 219/20. Compulsory isolation and labour relations
21 July 2020 | Labor Law
Labor Law. Resolution SRT Nº 21/2020. Teleworking. Duty to communicate to ART
20 July 2020 | Labor Law
Suspension of duty of care in the workplace
20 July 2020 | Labor Law
Resolution MTEYSS 202/2020. Coronavirus. Cancellation of Extraordinary License due to Voluntary Isolation
20 July 2020 | Labor Law
Decree 163/2020
20 July 2020 | Labor Law
Decree 156/2020 | Duplication of compensations does not apply to national public sector employments
13 July 2020 | Labor Law