I. Introduction.
On 08.25.2023 the bid for the so-called Project “Reversion of the Gas Pipeline “Gasoducto del Norte” – Supplementary Works to the Gas Pipeline “Presidente Néstor Kirchner” was launched.
The purpose thereof is to contract under the EPC modality, of detail engineering, services, supplies and the construction of the works that make-up the Project in question.
To such end, tenders will be received up to 09.29.2023 at 10:30 a.m.- Buenos Aires City Time (UTC/GMT-3).
The project is financed with a loan of USD 540,000,000 by Corporación Andina de Fomento and funds coming (up to 07.30.2023) from the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the Wholesale Market of Electric Power created by resolution 1037/2021, since it is an essential and strategic work for the substitution of the natural gas imports from Bolivia and to supply the users of the central and northern provinces of the country with natural gas coming from Vaca Muerta, as well as to supply the thermo-electric power stations located in said region which at present depend from the imported gas to be able to generate energy.
II. Background Information.
It should be recalled that, by means of Resolution 67/22 issued by the Secretariat of Energy (“SE”) the Program Transport.Ar was created, with the purpose of making the required works tending to the promotion of the development, growth of production and supply of natural gas to substitute the imports of gasoil, fuel oil, coal, natural gas, electric power and liquefied natural gas.
Hence, as per section 6 of the above said Resolution, within the first stage of implementation of the Program Transport.Ar, the Reversion of Gasoducto Norte was set forth as a priority work, within the first stage of implementation, because it is an essential and strategic work for the total substitution of the natural gas imports from Bolivia and for the supply of the users of the central and northern provinces of the country with natural gas coming from Vaca Muerta, as well as to supply the thermo-electric power stations located in said region which at present depend from the imported gas to be able to generate energy.
Likewise, the Resolution specified the construction works of the Program that should be made through Energía Argentina S.A. (“ENARSA”).
On the other hand, it should be mentioned that on last 04.27.2023, Corporación Andina de Fomento (“CAF”), through the Loan Agreement CAF N° 11985, granted financing to Argentina for the maximum amount of USD 540,000,000, for the implementation of the Project for the Reversion of Gasoducto del Norte – Supplementary Works to the Gas Pipeline “Gasoducto Pte. Néstor Kirchner”, which, it was stipulated that will be performed by the Ministry of Economy by means of the SE through ENARSA. However, since all the works exceed the financing amount, it is necessary to obtain the additional economic resources to cover the whole investment required.
Through Emergency Decree (DNU) 76/2022, the framework and financing schemes for the implementation of the Program Transport.Ar were provided for, hence, by means of its section 11 -with the aim of managing the resources and financing, in whole or in part, of the infrastructure works – the trust known as Fund for the Development of the Argentine Gas (Fondo de Desarrollo Gasífero Argentino -“FONDESGAS”-) was created, being ENARSA its trustor and beneficiary, while, through section 13 it was determined that the shareholders’ equity of FONDESGAS will be made-up of assets held in trust of different kinds and sources, among others, determined by the SE coming from the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the Wholesale Market of Electric Power (“MEM”), created by means of Resolution 1037/2021 of the SE.
Resolution 1037/2021 mentioned above, set forth that as from the economic transactions of the month of September 2021, the revenues collected by CAMMESA coming from the electric power export transactions, after the deduction of the costs, would be cumulated in the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM, to finance energy infrastructure, being the same assigned by the SE through the customary regulatory instructions.
In another line of thought, in due course, section 5 of Resolution 593/2022 issued by the SE, set forth that up to seventy-five percent of the resources of the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM would be contributed by CAMMESA to the Trust Fund for the Federal Electric Transport, and they must be used to finance the priority works of the Federal Plan of Regional Electric Transport. However, the assignment provided for in Resolution 593/2022, as at 07.18.2023, the funds of the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM were not required, therefore, on the basis of the urgency of its achievement, it was necessary to provide for the conditions to finance the Project for the Reversion of Gasoducto Norte – Supplementary Works to Gasoducto Pte. Néstor Kirchner.
In such sense, it was understood that it was appropriate and advisable to temporarily suspend the effectiveness of sections 5, 6 and 7 of Resolution 593/2022 issued by the SE, to allocate the Funds of the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM and formalize a financial scheme allowing ENARSA to carry out the works, hence, it was held that CAMMESA and ENARSA should be instructed to set forth the reimbursable financial operation allowing to use the resources of the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM to the essential point, in order to complete the credit of the CAF and the end of the works.
Within such context, on 07.18.2023, the SE issued Resolution 606/2023 whereby it decided -among other matters-, to instruct CAMMESA and ENARSA to make a reimbursable credit operation with the funds as at 06.30.2023 of the Exports Account of the Stabilization Fund of the MEM so that, together with the loan of the CAF for the sum of USD 540,000,000, they may guarantee the availability of all the necessary funds to perform the Project for the Reversion of Gasoducto Norte – Supplementary Works to Gasoducto Pte. Néstor Kirchner.
Likewise, it ordered to instruct ENARSA to hold in a specific assignment account in the trust FONDESGAS all the movements and transactions related to the credit operation mentioned above and to submit to the SE the appropriate rendering of accounts.
III.- The bid launched.
The bid provides for three lines, according to the following detail:
Line Work Detail
Renglón N°1:
1.1. Loops Parallel to Gasoducto Norte Completion of two tranches of Loop of 51,5 km and 10,5 km respectively, of gas pipelines of 30 inches of nominal diameter, parallel to Gasoducto Norte, located between the existing compression plants of Tío Pujio and Ferreyra, both located in the Province of Córdoba.
1.2. Works to revert the flow of the Compression Plant Ferreyra Execution of the works that allow to exchange the compressed-gas flow for the two motor-compressors existing bidirectionally (South to North or North to South) of the Compression Plant Ferreyra, located in the Province of Córdoba.
1.3. Works to revert the flow of the Compression Plant of Deán Funes Execution of the works that allow to exchange the compressed-gas flow for a turbo-compressor and five motor-compressors existing bidirectionally (South to North or North to South) of the Compression Plant Dean Funes, located in the Province of Córdoba.
1.4. Works to revert the flow of the Compression Plant of Lavalle Execution of the works that allow to exchange the compressed-gas flow for a turbo-compressor and five motor-compressors existing bidirectionally (South to North or North to South) of the Compression Plant Lavalle, located in the Province of Santiago del Estero.
1.5. Works to revert the flow of the Compression Plant of Lumbrera Execution of the works that allow to exchange the compressed-gas flow for a turbo-compressor and six motor-compressors existing bidirectionally (South to North or North to South) of the Compression Plant Lumbrera, located in the Province of Salta.
1.6. Gasoducto de Integración Federal – Pk 100+000 to Pk 122+800: Tranch of gas pipeline of 22,8 km length and 36 inches of nominal diameter. The extent comprises the construction thereof from the chainage 100+000 and up to the final chainage 122+800, including the interconnections to be made at the Compression Planta Tío Pujio (Gasoducto Norte), located in the Province of Córdoba.
Line N°2:
Gasoducto de Integración Federal – Pk
50+000 to Pk 100+000: Tranch of gas pipeline of 50 km length and 36 inches of nominal diameter. The extent comprises the construction thereof from the chainage 50+000, and up to the chainage 100+000.
Renglón N°3:
Gasoducto de Integración Federal – Pk
0+000 to Pk 50+000: Tranch of gas pipeline of 50 km length and 36 inches of nominal diameter. The extent comprises the construction thereof from the starting chainage up to the chainage 50+000. It is included in addition the execution of the
interconnections to be made in the Compression Plant La Carlota (Gasoducto Centro-Oeste), located in the Province of Córdoba.
The works subject matter of this bid require the inclusion of the following:
ü Preparation of detail engineering
ü Management and purchase of lots
ü Management and obtention of Rights of Way
ü Purchase and Supply of Materials Management (except for the materials in the quantities detailed in the Bidding Conditions, which will be supplied by ENARSA)
ü Supplies and Equipment,
ü Construction, Pre-commissioning and Assistance for Commissioner
ü Start-up of facilities
ü All and singular necessary activity and/or work for the proper and complete termination and delivery of the works under the EPC modality (“Engineering, Procurement and Construction”).
Among other issues, it is highlighted also that the guarantee to maintain the offer to be constituted amounts to 1% of the value of the Official Budget, detailed in section 2 of the Bidding Conditions.
IV.- Final Comment.
The work for the reversion of Gasoducto Norte, jointly with the construction of the Gasoducto de Integración Federal, will transport part of the natural gas produced in the area of Vaca Muerta towards the central and northern localities of the country, being able thus to replace with natural gas of national origin, the natural gas currently imported from Bolivia through the Gasoducto de Integración Juana Azurduy.
Hence, the bid of a key and strategic work is launched.