Leaders League awarded a distinction to Abeledo Gottheil | Abeledo Gottheil

Leaders League awarded a distinction to Abeledo Gottheil

27 February 2023 |

In its 2023 Ranking, Leaders League awarded a distinction to Abeledo Gottheil Abogados in the following areas of practice: 
– Advertising law & marketing (Marcelo E. Gallo, in the category “Excellent”) 
– Arbitration (Luis Erize y Hernán Martín Oriolo, both in the category “Excellent”) 
– Competition & Antitrust (Javier Gelis, in the category “Recommended”) 
– Corporate / M&A (Luis Erize in the category “Valuable practice”) 
– Dispute resolution (Rodrigo Blas Hernández, in the category “Highly recommended”) 
– Tax law (Gabriela Buratti – Eduardo Mujica, in the category “Recommended”) 
We thank Leaders League for the above said distinctions and our clients, colleagues and, especially, our team, that made it possible.


Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, 5th floor | C1106ACX

Buenos Aires | Argentina

(5411) 4516-1500

