Pedro Miguel Lorenti

Pedro M. Lorenti (h.) is a lawyer graduated at the University of Buenos Aires and admitted to the City of Buenos Aires Bar Association (1989). He is also a qualified solicitor in England and Wales (2017).
Education: University of Buenos Aires Law School (J.D. equivalent, 1989); Universidad Austral, Argentina (master’s in administrative law, 1994); Universidad Autonoma de Madrid Law School, Spain (master’s in EU law, 1997); J. F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, U.S. (master’s in public administration –MPA-, 1999): Universidad de Salamanca, Escuela de Doctorado “Studii Salamantini”, Spain (Ph.D. candidate, Program of Rule of Law and Global Governance, 2023 – continue).
Main areas of practice: administrative law, public utilities and economic regulation, international arbitration and litigation.
Main experience: counsel in privatizations, Demaría, Fernández Cronenbold & Barra (1990 – 1992); Legal Director, Government of the City of Buenos Aires (1993 – 1994), in-house counsel, EDESUR S.A., energy public utility (1994 – 1996); senior associate in project finance deals with multilateral institutions, Alfaro Navarro LLP, New York, U.S. (1999 – 2000), Board of Directors’ member, Nucleoelectrica Argentina S.A., State-owned company of nuclear power (2001 – 2002); counsel to the trustee in bankruptcy in the Azurix Buenos Aires S.A. Chapter 11 procedure (2003 – 2005); legal consultant in law reform and international arbitration, Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Africa (2013 – 2015); co-counsel in an ICC arbitration concerning a PSA in the North African / Mediterranean Sea oil & gas basin (2014 – 2015); of counsel, Alfaro Abogados (2018 – 2023) Argentine representative and partner, Aurigon Advisors AG, reinsurance consultant (2011 – continue); Counsel to the IVC -housing authority-, City of Buenos Aires, Argentina (2020 – continue); Board of Director’s member, CCA Green B S.A., an affiliate to China Construction America -CCA- (2022 – continue).
Academic activities: speaker, Program on Public Procurement and State Contracts, RIPA International, London, U.K. (2006 – 2008); lecturer, Master in Administrative Law & Economics, Universidad Catolica Argentina Law School (2023 – continue); lecturer, Master in Hydrocarbon and Energy Law, Universidad Austral, Argentina (2020 – continue). Author of several publications in Argentine and foreign law journals.
Languages: Spanish (native speaker), English, French (full proficiency), Chinese (汉语, advanced student).