Fair trade practices. Discount price display and advertising | Abeledo Gottheil

Fair trade practices. Discount price display and advertising

We share with you the article published by our senior partner Marcelo E. Gallo, in Abogados.com.ar, entitled “Display and advertising of discount prices”.

The author analyzes certain complexities derived from the different treatment by national regulations applicable to discount price display events, on the one hand, and discount price advertising, on the other, he warns us about the existence of regulations in the autonomous scope. The City of Buenos Aires regulates the advertising of discounted prices in a manner different from national regulations and points out the need to establish uniform criteria and similar legislation, which is clear, simple and especially reasonable, and which would make it easier for the relevant parties to comply with the regulations and for consumers to know the relevant information.


Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, 5th floor | C1106ACX

Buenos Aires | Argentina

(5411) 4516-1500

