Sales promotions with prizes. Brief overview of provincial legislation
22 October 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Illicit Comparative Advertising. Legal remedies to stop its distribution
28 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Mistake in the advertised price. May the supplier refuse to comply with the offer?
28 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo Natalia Nydia de la Sota
Fair commercial practices. Mandatory information in the financed prices advertising
28 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Regulatory alert. Regulation of the new commercial loyalty regime. Resolution SCI 248/2019
28 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Commercial loyalty. New regime DNU 274/2019. The treatment of sales promotions in the new Commercial Loyalty Regime
28 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Advertising of alcoholic beverages in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires
27 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Comparative advertising: the “Pepsi Challenge”
24 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Price cap increase
23 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
The Gondola Shelving Bill, ¿a new burden?
23 July 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
Antitrust. Benchmarking and provision of sensitive competitive information
23 July 2020 | Javier F. Gelis Javier F. Gelis
Inexistence of automotive poster in tierra del fuego thing judged
23 July 2020 | Javier F. Gelis Javier F. Gelis
Notes on the code of Ethics and Self-Regulation in advertising of the Advertising Self-Regulation Council (CONARP)
1 June 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo
The Gondola shelving bill, a new burden?
11 February 2020 | Marcelo E. Gallo