Savings Plan | Abeledo Gottheil


Savings Plan

The Firm offers advice to savings plans for certain purposes on the particular requirements that said companies must comply with to incorporate and register them as such before the Superintendency of Incorporations (Inspección General de Justicia) and to obtain the authorization from said agency to commercialize savings plans.

The services that the Firm renders include the drafting of the adhesion contract that the parties interested in the hiring of a savings plan should execute to such end and other documents related to said contract that regulate the contractual relationship between the managing company and the subscribers. Also, for the drafting of the contracts that regulate the commercial relationship of the managing companies with their agents and with the rest of the suppliers that participate in the savings system.

Likewise, the Firm offers advice on the informative regime that the managing companies must comply with before the Superintendency of Corporations (Inspección General de Justicia) and the subscribers’ claims and the Consumer Defense Associations before the Consumer Law Agencies and in the pretrial and judicial stages.

Relevant experience

  • Legal advice in the structuring and incorporation of Toyota Plan de Ahorro para Fines Determinados.
  • Legal advice in the structuring and incorporation of Yamaha Motor Plan Argentina S.A. de Ahorro para Fines Determinados.
  • Legal advice to Toyota Argentina S.A. in all the conflicts with third parties, either out-of-courts, at courts or the administrative office of Consumer Defense.
  • Legal advice to Yamaha Motor Argentina S.A. in all the conflicts with third parties, either out-of-courts, at courts or the administrative office of Consumer Defense.


Av. Eduardo Madero 1020, 5th floor | C1106ACX

Buenos Aires | Argentina

(5411) 4516-1500
